Treating A Sick Parakeet

Treating A Sick Parakeet

by Carissa

My very smart and beautiful Bugie was just fine yesterday...playing, talking, etc. Today after I came home from work, i noticed he was all fluffy , puffed up. Not talking, wouldn't play. Runny poop.

We live in Michigan, where it is 80 degrees one day, 50 the next.

Could he have caught a cold? I do not know what to do. He ate some food a couple of hours ago. We have a heating pad on low to warm in his cage. I am so worried.

Please help!

Vet Suggestion for Treating a Sick Parakeet

Hello Carissa,

Budgies do not catch “colds” like people do, but large fluctuations in temperature and other forms of stress can have an adverse impact on their immune system making them more susceptible to infections of many types. In general, budgie’s can do well when exposed to temperature ranges from 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day with night time temperatures down to 40 degrees.

Sick birds generally like warmer temperatures, however; 83 – 86 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal. If you see Chico holding his wings away from his body and panting, he is too warm. If he is fluffed up, he is cold.
The only way to determine exactly what is going on with Chico is to make an appointment with a veterinarian who has experience with birds. A listing of these specialists is available on the Association of Avian Veterinarian’s website.In the meantime, focus on nursing care. Thoroughly clean everything in Chico’s cage.

Provide fresh water every day. Replace his food with a new batch of his favorite type. In general, pellets are better than seed but this is not the time to make a diet change.


Jennifer Coates, DVM

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Nov 21, 2014
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by: Anonymous

My parakeet has pink on his head feathers seems to not be feeling well. I thought I saw him spit up

Nov 21, 2014
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by: Anonymous

My parakeet has pink on his head feathers seems to not be feeling well. I thought I saw him spit up

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