Pet site wants to be famous

Yes, that is what this page is all about. Sharing this pet site with the world. Are you a site owner, webmaster, blogger...? Did you enjoy this site?

If you've found my website helpful, I would greatly appreciate a link to it from your site. Let others know about us.

It's very easy to do. You can simply "copy and paste" the code in the box below and place it somewhere on your site or blog. The codes below will cause the link to open in a new window and your page will still be open underneath.

Linking to Cool Small Pets Home Page

It should look like this on your website:
Cool Small Pets - Cool Small Pets helps you learn and decide on what small pets you can have in small apartments or kids' rooms. A valuable resource for: budgie parakeets, small pet turtle, guinea pigs and other little animals. Tips on pet care and pet health, photos and many, many more pet related info.

Linking to a Particular Page at Cool Small Pets

Here is a sample code if you would like to link to our "guinea pig diet" page. You can modify the code if you want to link to a different page.

It should look like this on your website:
Guinea pig diet - Guinea pig diet counts as the most important thing to make your guinea pig healthy. Learn the easy way and get those pigs something tasty to eat...

If you need help with the code, just contact me and I will be happy to help you.

Let us exchange value

If you have a pet-related website, adoption center or pet-related blog and you would like the link exchange, please visit our Submit Your Site page.

For other useful links and resources for you and your small pets, please visit the Pet link page.

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