Interesting animal facts - Let's have fun
Like to read interesting animal facts? I love
them. Some of them are really funny some actually serious. But all
of them definitely interesting.
For years now I have been learning and reading about pets. And
every once in a while I run into an interesting animal facts. I
beleive I have hundreds of them.
Since this is a pet site I will share some pet facts here. Oh, I
said "we will share"? Yes, you and me. Feel free to add any
interesting and funny pet fact you know about.
Dog facts
- More than 5 million puppies are born in the United States each
- Dog that lives in the city will live approximately three years
longer than a country dog.
- Small dogs usually live longer than larger breeds.
- Dogs can survive on a vegetarian diet.
- Dogs are considered color blind.
- When a dog licks you, he's saying "I Love You"
Dog breeds' facts
- Bulldogs were originally bred to fight bulls and bears. (David,
Cat facts
- Cats cannot see directly under its nose.
- A cat cannot move its jaws sideways.
- Cats successfully navigate through mazes in complete darkness.
They lose this ability if their whiskers are cut off.
- Cats can hear ultrasound.
- Female cat may have three to seven kittens every four months.
- Cats spend 30% of their time grooming themselves.
- Neutering a cat extends its life span by two or three years.
- Cats can have freckles.
- Cats purr at about the same frequency as an idling diesel
- The cat's brain needs so much energy to function that over
twenty percent of blood that the heart pumps goes immediately to
- Cats cannot survive on a vegetarian diet.
- Cat's urine glows under a black light.
- The average outdoor cat has a lifespan of about three years.
- Indoor cats can live more than 15 years.
- Cats respond most readily to names that end in an "ee" sound.
(Susan, Miami)
- A cat's brain is more similar to a human's brain than to the
- The slightest touch on a cat's whiskers will make its eyes
- The Maine Coon cat is America's only natural breed of domestic
Pet bird facts

- Most parrots are left-handed.
- Parrot can see behind him without turning his head.
Guinea pig facts
- Guinea pig can not judge height easy. Never leave him on a
chair or somewhere similar.
- If you drop guinea pig from a low height it will probably
break its spine.
- Guinea pigs are food in some countries.
- Guinea pigs are born with fur and open eyes.
- A male guinea pig is known as a boar and the female guinea pig
is known as a sow. A baby guinea pig is often called pup or
- Guinea pigs are not pigs and they are not related to pigs at
- Guinea pigs are not from Guinea.

Other rodent facts
- Rats will any type of food. They will even eat dead or dying
- Many hamsters only blink one eye at a time.
Interesting animal facts | Social life
- Felix the Cat is the first cartoon character to ever have been
made into a balloon for a parade.
- Dogs are mentioned 14 times in Bible.
- The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the
- Laika became the world's first space traveler. Russian
scientists sent the small dog to space in 1957.
- Brutus is a dog that holds the record for the highest skydive
by a dog at 4,572 feet.
Interesting animal facts | History
- Ferret was domesticated before a cat.
- Ancient Chinese royalty carried Pekingese dogs in the sleeves
of their royal robes.
- The penalty for killing a cat 4,000 years ago in Egypt was
Interesting animal facts | Stats and money
- Every year, 5 to 7 million companion animals enter animal
shelters in USA (source ASPCA).
- 62% of pet dogs own clothes.
- About 22% of the world's catch of tuna goes into cat food in
the United States.
- The cost of spaying and neutering a pet is less than the cost
of raising puppies or kittens for one year (source ASPCA).
- Americans spend more money on dog food each year then they do
on baby food.
- 53 percent of pet owners vacation or travel with their pets
(source A.A.H.A.).
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page - send a comment. You are not obliged to give your name but
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Facts sent by you
Tannis: A pregnant goldfish is called a twit
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