Advertising at Cool Small Pets

Interested in advertising at Cool Small Pets? The site is open for advertising.

If you are interested, use the form at the bottom of the page to send information to me. I will review your offer and send you an invoice. I will not accept any ads that are inappropriate or have no connection to pets what so ever. I reserve the right to refuse the ad.

What are you getting if you advertise on this site?

You will be more visible to the pet loving community. This site receives thousands and thousands of visitors interested in pets and pet products.

Below are the stats for the last few months.

November 2011: unique visitors 23.000+, pageviews 51.000+.

December 2011: unique visitors 24.000+, pageviews 53.000+.

Media Kit

If you are interested in a few more stats about the site and demographics of the visitors, you can download the media kit here.

Where will your ad be displayed?

You can buy a site wide ad or an ad on a certain page (pages).

A site wide ad will be displayed in one of the following locations:

  • in the left column (If it is displayed in the left hand side column it will be located under all the content).
  • in the right column (All locations in the right columns are negotiable).
  • in the header (Current location of the PetCo ad).

The ad located in the left or right column can be 160 pixels wide.

If you want your ad on a certain page (or pages) the size can be up to 500 pixels wide. The location can be almost anywhere in the main page area (above the heading, under it, between paragraphs, the bottom of the page, etc).

Note to webmasters, links will be nofollow. This is not negotiable. If you fill out the form and purchase the ad, it is assumed you have read this page and agreed to this term ("nofollow" link).

Advertising info
Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.
First Name*
E-mail Address*
Company or product name
Destination URL
Ad placement
Site wide
One or more pages

Please enter the word that you see below.


For all pages on the site, see site map.